Continue the Struggle Beyond 100 Days! Unite Filipinos in the U.S. for Real Change!
On January 20th, Biden became the 46th President of the U.S., and made promises to solve the current economic, health, and social crises. Millions of people, including Filipinos, clamored to his campaign with hopes for change, however much of the problems remain the same.
NAFCON Demands Justice for the Murder of Angelo Quinto and Stands in Solidarity with the Quinto Family
On March 10, we celebrate what would’ve been the 31st birthday of Filipino American veteran, Angelo Quinto. On December 23, 2020, Antioch police officers responded to Angelo’s mental health crisis with excessive use of force. Angelo pleaded for his life and died at the hands of the Antioch Police Department (APD) through the carotid hold, the same knee-to-neck restraint used on George Floyd.
Statement on Anti-Asian Violence
NAFCON USA joins the API communities across the US in mourning and decrying the sudden and violent deaths of Asian-Americans in Atlanta who were the latest victims of hate crimes and senseless attacks against people of color. We grieve with their families over their loss and share the same history of racist violence, discrimination, and segregation. We vow to work with the aggrieved families and all people who seek justice and an end to systemic racism.
Support J-1 Workers
J-1 workers are foreign hospitality workers in the US, majority of whom were recently laid off while others have had their hours cut due to the pandemic. Many did not finish their program while some did not even get to start. With no savings, needing to pay off debt they incurred from excessive program fees, and afraid of potential health risks posed by traveling, they are hesitant to fly back home at this time. Let us support the J-1 workers!
Filipino-Americans Express Outrage over Desperate Housewife’s Racist Remark
The national alliance of Filipino-American groups known as the National Alliance for Filipino Concerns, or NAFCON, expressed outrage and offense over racist comments uttered by actress Teri Hatcher in the ABC primetime series “Desperate Housewives”.
Fil-Am Groups Laud “Sentosa 27” Healthworkers for Fighting Injustice
New York – At the end of an intensely emotional town hall meeting at the Philippine Forum headquarters last Sunday evening, individuals and groups officially kicked off National Nurses week in the United States with vows to clear the 27 former Sentosa-employed health workers, including one of their lawyers, Atty. Felix Vinluan, from all criminal and civil charges filed against them by the former, officially registered as Sentosa Care LLC and its various health care facilities in New York.
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